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Access Oxfam's extensive network and ideas across countries, regions, and affiliates to help you address your challenge.
Tap into Oxfam's expertise
Tap into the expertise that is available through the F.A.I.R-EiU community in a way that helps you with your fiscal justice, inequality reduction, gender justice, and accountability work.
Make your work more efficient
Avoid to reinvent the wheel...just ask instead! Someone across Oxfam may have addressed a similar challenge like the one you are facing today.
A system to bring people together based on available skills and needs. The FAIR-EiU Support Mechanism is me, and you. It is us, helping each other by coming together across Oxfam
Check out some of the challenges we have worked on in the past and find solutions and a route forward for the challenge you are facing! Learn from colleague's experiences how to solve challenges in your own context. Please note that most of the support requests are assisted by other colleagues that may not be yet official FESM advisors. This is a network-wise effort!
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Get access to the huge variety of expertise within the FAIR-EIU and Even it Up! community.