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A workshop with the Uganda team was organized to refine their influencing strategy and co-create their public campaign around health and taxation. This was described in an earlier FESM Solution.

The campaign has launched in February and is still making noise! The workshop had resulted in a draft plan to deliver Uganda’s campaign, and FESM advisors continued to work with the team and partners over the following months to finalise the plans and support the production of report and digital products as the campaign rolled out.

You can get a taste of the campaign here or you can read more about it here.

A petition to increase funding to the blood bank and tackle maternal mortality, as Uganda consistently has had one of the highest rates in the world,  is out and can be signed here. A leading story on blood has been published on some of the key media outlets and featured in radio programmes. Online and offline mobilisation including public marches and debates with Minister of Health and Minister of Finance and citizens took place following the launch. The campaign also has an advocacy angle looking at taxation and specifically the Double taxation Agreement between Uganda and The Netherlands, that FESM advisors have also contributed to.


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