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In Kenya, a project on Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) was already underway. The project focused on four points: governments, the mobilization of women in budgeting processes, organizing civil society around GRB tools and social accountability for budget monitoring and auditing processes.
Although some activities have already been implemented, such as helping women participate in the budget process at the county level, more was needed. A research, as well as an impact analysis, were put on the way. The research looked at women in the production cycle. On the other hand, the impact analysis focused on the budget and its impact on the women who are participating in its developing process.

In this case, the Kenya team needed to make sure that their projects related to GRB complied with the Oxfam set of principles. The Kenya team was put in contact with an advisor from Oxfam Great Britain for a support call. As part of the support provided, the team in Kenya received an online GRB lecture and a resource pack with a GRB Cycle and a Guide on how to use it.
Through our advisor, the team was put in touch with the Women’s Budget Group, who are now supporting the team in Kenya to run a gender analysis of the national budget of Kenya!

Check out some of the latest resources by the Kenyan team here & here 


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